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Meet the Team

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Mike & Joni

Founder's Of Rocky Mountain Sober Living

Mike and Joni live the AA and Al-Anon ideal that we must help people in active recovery and the family and friends of those whose loved ones are in active addiction whenever we are asked.


Joni has been sober since December of 2018 and is an active member of AA; and shares her experience, strength, and Hope with all those that pass through our doors. 

Mike has been in AL-Anon since July 27, 2017, and is always willing to share his experience, strength, and hope with anyone he meets.

Scott Mosher

Founder & Executive Director

Scott holds an associate degree in psychology as well as being a State, National, and Internationally Certified Peer Recovery Coach. He is a certified peer recovery supervisor and a NAADAC and APA member. Scott is pursuing his bachelor's in human services, emphasizing SUD counseling. He uses his vast knowledge of the criminal justice system to help those from incarceration live their best life after coming home. He advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community and for the homeless and justice population. He uses his journey to inspire and bring hope to others. Scott founded Purple Mountain Recovery INC to bring hope to those in need and fill the void in the recovery world for the LGBTQIA+ community. Scott believes in using his own life experiences to meet people where they are as well as guide them on their journeys. Scott believes that a person is in recovery when they say they are.

Ashley C

Ashley C

Case Manager & Women's Home Director 

& Welcome Wagon for RMSL

Ashley is a native of Colorado Springs and has been working in the medical field for 15 years. She has been specializing in addiction and mental health for four years and has found it to be her passion. She currently manages an outpatient addiction and mental health clinic and offers her time with RMSL as an intake coordinator.  Recovery is about progression, not perfection! 

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